Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday October 10th

Today was a wonderful day. We had friends over for a play day. It was great. We made cards and the girls played together. It is hard to believe they are a year a part. Lunch was light - just chicken and tuna salads along with new rice crackers. After everyone left it was definitely naptime. Dinner was leftovers from lunch. It was so nice and can't wait to do it again. It is still hot during the day but the nights are getting a little cooler. Last night it was about 79. Cooler days are ahead.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday October 9th

It is still hot here and they are predicting another day in the 90s. We certainly are looking forward to some cooler weather. The ibis have been flying again. They like the worms in the yard. I have been resting and reading. Research is going well. My plans are to finish posting the files for the Oracle by the end of the week so everyone can begin proofing. It is hard to read and write about Samhain when it is so hot. Maybe by the end of the week it will be cooler.