Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Alfheim (Day of Openness)

Today was a planting day. I took advantage of the cool evening to plant some seeds. I bought small peat pots and organic seed starter soil. I blessed the seeds as I planted them. Once they were covered with soil I misted them with water.

The rune assignment this week was wholeness. I did a reading using the Midgardr Serpent spread. In this reading, there were two runes from the first aett, two from the second aett, and four from the third aett. This path started with my ordination and the Yew (Algiz). I will use the light and creativity of the torch (Kenaz) as I make my sacrifice (Tiwaz). I have happiness (Wunjo) in my life and the energy of new beginnings (Berkana). I will use Sowilo to reinforce my commitment to the Pillar Seidr program and to Freya. I use the healing waters of Laguz to wash away any negatives thoughts or energy that may be still around. I know Lilith is still an important part in my life. I want add a morning practice (Dagaz) of honoring the Goddess and as long as I provide for others (Fehu), the Goddess will provide for me.

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