Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Muspelheim (Day of Vision)

It is still raining. Thunderstorms continued this morning but by afternoon they seem to be gone. Today is Jerry’s procedure. He has been anxious about it for the past several days. The procedure went well and was over in less than 15 minutes. Unfortunately as the medication wore off he got more uncomfortable. Early evening I went out to the store to pick up pain medication. As I sat at the end of the driveway waiting for a car to go by I heard something hitting the car. I looked around and I was completely surrounded by dragonflies. There must have been at least 30. They were still there when I came back and followed the car to the garage. It was amazing!

The rune I pulled today was Ansuz (communication, knowledge). I feel really good where I am right now. I am getting caught up with my Vanaheim assignments and other obligations.

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