Sunday, May 8, 2011

Midgard (Day of Immersion)

Mother’s Day – The rune I pulled today was Gebo, the gifting rune. This is a true representation for the day. It was a very relaxing day. I walked outside this morning and looked for the tortoise. She was making her way down from the top corner of the ditch towards our house. Later I went looking for her again. She was at the top at other end of the ditch heading to a thick pile of brush. I walked around checking on all of the younger oaks and maples. I placed a hand around the trunk sending positive energy to them. One maple was very warm and I got a feeling the tree needed more energy than the others. We had a delicious dinner and a relaxing evening. When I took Savannah Jane for another walk before dinner, the tortoise was on her way back to her hole at the top of the ditch.

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