Thursday, May 12, 2011

Niflheim (Day of Generating)

Today was my acupuncture treatment. I am always surprised to see how the skin react to the needles. My energy and spirit has been recharged. My rune for the day is Sowilo (the sun rune). Maybe this is to warm up a Niflheim day. Turning off of our streets, we passed a pair of sandhills. They were standing on opposite sides of the street. On our drive to Tampa, we saw more kite birds. We commented that we have seen more of them than usual. Coming home we passed a pond with both a great white heron and a great blue heron. They truly are majestic birds. At the corner of our yard, the two younger turkeys had crossed the road the big male watched us go by before he decided if he was going to follow them. When I took Savannah Jane for a walk this afternoon, I saw the tortoise moving at a fast pace towards her hole. It is amazing to see so much wildlife now that I am more aware of it. I am seeing life through new eyes.

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