Monday, July 11, 2011

Midgard (Day of Immersion)

Day six on Prednisone and except for the crud I can’t seem to get rid of my breathing is so much better. I finished my SNS blog card and wrote the narrative. I am very pleased with the results. My rune today was Uruz (raw power and health). This is confirmation I am doing the right things to get better.

It is appropriate that the turkeys made their appearance today since it is Midgard – the earthy realm. There were several adults and three babies. The babies have gotten so big. It looks like they doubled in size since the last time we saw them. The top picture is one of the females at the rear of the group. The bottom picture shows a baby running from the left edge of the picture. In the center of the picture you can barely see the back of another baby hopping into the brush.

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